Honorable Clifford R. Ross

Councilmember, Councilmember-At-Large
Email: cross@orangenj.gov
Phone: (862) 233-5612
Term Expires: June 30, 2028
Clifford Ross became an Orange homeowner in 1984 and immediately got involved to make the community better. He was actively involved with the Fairview Avenue Community Block Watch Association and became a Democratic Committee District Leader.
In 1995, Clifford Ross was appointed as a Commissioner on the Board of the Orange Housing Authority (OHA), which oversees the Federal Housing Policy in Orange. During his twenty-five years of service to the Board, he served as Treasurer, Parliamentarian, Vice-Chairperson, and Chairperson. During his tenure as Board Chairman, the Orange Housing Authority was stabilized. Under his leadership, they demolished a dilapidated public housing project and created 156 brand new, high-quality homes for Orange families. The new development included senior homes and community space that set the tone for other successful housing improvements in the community.
Based on recommendations from parents, law enforcement, and community leaders, Clifford Ross was appointed to serve on the Orange Alcohol Beverage Control Board (ABC Board) to regulate and control the activities of the liquor licensees in the town. He utilized his management experience to perform proficiently as Treasurer of the Orange Housing Development Corporation.
In 2018, he was overwhelmingly elected as Chairman of the Orange Democratic Committee, where his mission was to register voters and keep voters informed on election issues that affect the Orange community. He was also appointed by the County to serve as a Commissioner on the Essex County Improvement Authority Board.
For the past twenty years, Clifford Ross worked part-time for the Orange Recreation Department as a Field Supervisor for the parks in the summer months, and the City’s Afterschool 6 – 9 program in the fall and winter months, providing afterschool activities and a safe haven for young adults in the Orange community.
Clifford Ross is an Insurance Professional with over forty years of Claims and Management experience with various certifications within the insurance industry. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Boston College.
Clifford Ross and his wife, Mamie, have two adult daughters and are the proud grandparents of four grandchildren.
Clifford Ross’s goal is to move Orange forward to a better place for us all to live, grow, play, and be safe.
Clifford R. Ross