Honorable Adrienne K. Wooten

Council President
Email: awooten@orangenj.gov
Phone: (973) 518-3360
Term Expires: June 30, 2028
Council President Adrienne Wooten is a skilled professional who has been successful in both the public and private sectors. Prior to her election as an Orange Councilwoman, Wooten began her professional career as a member of the Marriott International Hotel management team where she received industry recognition as a financial auditor and operations manager. Wooten supervised a corporate staff of 40 employees and managed an operating budget of over three million dollars.
Councilwoman Wooten transitioned from the corporate sector to the classroom as a teacher with the Orange Board of Education at the Oakwood Avenue Community School. She distinguished herself as Teacher of the Year and as a member of the Language Arts curriculum team for grades five through six. She served families across the district providing lessons that impacted all learning modalities. These initiatives were models for district elementary schools.
Prior to her election in 2016, Councilwoman Wooten served as the Orange Deputy Director of Community Service where she promoted the well–being of young people and seniors. She also served on the Orange Citizens‘ Budget Advisory Committee and as a Democratic District Leader.
On the City Council, Councilwoman Wooten serves on the Finance Committee, the Government and the Policy Committee. As the Council liaison to the Orange Housing Authority and the Orange Health Department Wooten has been a leader in constituency service. As a life–long Democrat, she has served as Secretary to the Orange Democratic County Committee.
Councilwoman Wooten has sponsored a number of programs that advance the interests of the community. Most recently, she was acknowledged as one of the top one hundred Women of service in the Oranges for her leadership on issues that matter to families in Orange. Based on the national model for local elected officials in the Northeastem United States, Councilwoman Wooten has been the council‘s leading member on addressing quality of life issues through legislation and direct action. She tackled problems such as foreclosure and evictions, small business contracting, women empowerment, voting rights, youth employment, and senior citizen programs.
Councilwoman Wooten is a qualified leader. Inspired by her late father, a Korean War POW, Councilwoman Wooten enrolled at North Carolina A&T University and then went on to earn her Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from Kean University. Wooten is currently a candidate for a Master of Arts Degree in Public Administration. Councilwoman Wooten is a Realtor licensed by the New Jersey Real Estate Commission and is certified by the New Jersey League of Municipalities in Opportunity Zone Sources, Code Blue Compliance and the Open Public Records Act (OPRA).
Councilmember–at–Large Wooten and her soul mate Avram own their home in the East Ward. He is a business law attorney and also provides legal guidance to public entities. Avram is an North Carolina A&T and Seton Hall University Law graduate. He is also a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated and the Chairman of the Orange Housing Development Corporation.