About shannon
This author has not yet filled in any details.So far shannon has created 1090 blog entries.
Conucilmember-At-Large Wooten’s Grandchildren’s Winter Holiday Toy Giveaway
Open Space, Recreation and Historic Preservation Advisory Committee Meeting, December 7, 2022
shannon2022-12-05T23:12:07-05:00PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF ORANGE TOWNSHIP OPEN SPACE, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Open Space, Recreation and Historic Preservation Advisory Committee of the City of Orange Township will hold a rescheduled Meeting on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 7:00 P.M. via Virtual Meeting. Due to the current State of Emergency directly related to COVID-19, the City of Orange Township will be audio-video conferencing the meeting. Citizens shall be allowed to participate in the Open Space, Recreation and Historic Preservation Advisory Committee meetings via an audio call in number and a video conferencing platform by stating their name [...]
Planning Board Meeting – November 30, 2022
shannon2022-11-22T13:39:08-05:00Please be advised that the regular scheduled City of Orange Township Planning Board Special Meeting on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 7:30 pm will take place via Zoom Meeting due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Any questions or concerns, please email Alexandra G. Reyes at AReyes@orangenj.gov. The City of Orange Township is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82500522775?pwd=RmZrVEtBSnZNcW5wRG50Q1R0bmQwQT09 Meeting ID: 825 0052 2775 Passcode: 576286 One tap mobile +13017158592,,82500522775#,,,,*576286# US (Washington DC) +13092053325,,82500522775#,,,,*576286# US Thank you, Alexandra G. Reyes Planning Board Secretary 862-400-3019 areyes@orangenj.gov
shannon2022-11-22T12:15:50-05:00NJ TRANSIT PROVIDES EXTRA SERVICE FOR THANKSGIVING TRAVELERS Kids Ride Free on NJ TRANSIT All Holiday Weekend NEWARK, NJ — NJ TRANSIT is adding additional service this Thanksgiving weekend to help take the stress out of travel as the Garden State embarks upon the holiday season. No matter what your Thanksgiving plans are, rest assured NJ TRANSIT can help get you and your family there with kids riding free the entire long weekend! The Wednesday before Thanksgiving has historically been the busiest day of the year at Newark Airport’s rail station, with ridership levels about twice that of [...]
Planning Board Meeting Wednesday, August 24 @ 7:30PM
shannon2022-08-15T15:14:54-04:00Please be advised that the regular scheduled City of Orange Township Planning Board Meeting on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 7:30 pm will take place via Zoom Meeting due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic. Any questions or concerns, please email Alexandra G. Reyes at AReyes@orangenj.gov. The City of Orange Township is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84830248446?pwd=amRmK0YrZEczcEdNV3FGZ0hRTlByZz09 Meeting ID: 848 3024 8446 Passcode: 496619 One tap mobile +16465588656,,84830248446#,,,,*496619# US (New York) +16469313860,,84830248446#,,,,*496619# US Alexandra G. Reyes Planning Board Secretary 862-400-3019 areyes@orangenj.gov