COVID Resources – Ongoing
(Included here are only resources that haven’t been listed before or are NEW/UPDATED. For a list of Resources from Previous missives, contact your Coalition manager)
Ride United’s Transportation Access Program
Offers 1-3 free round-trip rides per client to overcome short-term transportation barriers for things like medical, employment, food access, financial, and education. Available in the following areas: Atlantic City, Camden, Cherry Hill, Hoboken, Jersey City, Montclair, Morristown, Newark, and Trenton.
To participate,
Step 1: The agency or person dials 2-1-1 and indicates they are calling about the Ride United’s Transportation Access Program.
Step 2: The 211 Community Resource Specialist will confirm the person’s eligibility based upon the criteria noted above.
Step 3: If the person is deemed eligible for the service, 211 will schedule the Lyft ride. (Transportation service can be arranged up to one week prior to the date of service.
Your ‘Surge Capacity’ Is Depleted — It’s Why You Feel Awful
The restrictions of living under COVID-19 have disrupted many or all facets of daily life. For family caregivers, these new challenges can be extremely difficult to manage. Science journalist and author Tara Haelle writing in a post on Medium outlines some key ideas on living under COVID-19 like uncertainty, ambiguous loss, and grief. The article also gives suggestions on coping and building resilience.
CARES ACT Financial Assistance Program
It’s a great opportunity for consumers in our community who have been impacted by the pandemic to obtain financial support for a variety of needs. Coronavirus aid, relief, and economic security act. Cares act financial assistance program. Centers for independent living received funds to provide assistance to individuals with disabilities to assist with overcoming barriers encountered as a result of the pandemic. The cares act provides supplemental funding for programs and a vast array of resources to assist people with disabilities to continue living independently in their communities across the US. To find out if you’re eligible (Must live in Warren, Sussex or Morris County) or for more information contact DAWNcil at 973-625-1940.