The City of Orange Township

A Celebration Of Unity Between Anambra State Nigeria and the City Of Orange, NJ

ORANGE, NJ – The Executive Governor of Anambra State Nigeria and the Mayor Orange of N.J. will have a signing ceremony establishing a Sister Relationship and the twinning of Anambra State Nigeria and Orange N.J.  All indigenes of Anambra State are invited to attend this international diplomatic event on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 11:00 a.m.  The event will be held at Orange City Hall, 29 North Day Street, Orange NJ.

Mayor Dwayne D. Warren, Esq. said, “This event will celebrate the new bond between our community and Anambra State Nigeria.  Now more than ever, it is important we recognize and celebrate relationships based on the common values of diversity, unity and respect.  I urge our residents to come out and witness a new chapter in the history of Orange Township”.

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