GENERAL ELECTION: November 6, 2018
Official General Election Ballot
Press Release on Additional Early Voting Locations
Information on Early Voting Locations
United State Senators – 6 Year Terms
Member of House of Representatives – 2 Year Term
County Executive – 4 Year Term
Sheriff – 3 Year Term
General Assembly – Unexpired Term
Board of Chosen Freeholders
There will be an OPEN space question as well on the ballot for the City of Orange
Shall the City of Orange Township establish a municipal open space, recreation and historic preservation trust fund, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:12-15.7 to be funded at a rate of three cents ($.03) per one hundred dollars ($100.00) of total municipal equalized real property valuation and used exclusively for:
- Acquisition of lands for recreational and conservation purposes.
- Development of land for recreation and conservation purposes; maintenance of lands acquired for recreation and conservation purposes.
- Historic preservation of historic properties, structures, facilities, sites, area or objects for historic preservation purposes.
- Payment of debt service on indebtedness issued or incurred by municipality for any of the purposes set forth above.
Why does the City need Municipal Open Space, Recreation and Historic Preservation Tax?
- The City is very densely populated with over 33,000 residents and has over 10 parks (57 acres of open space) to service the resident’s health and recreational needs. The national average for a populated city such as Orange is 200 acres. (2006 Orange Master Plan)
- The City is responsible for conservation, development, restoration and rehabilitation of 9 parks (1 is a county park, 46 acres). Current city budget for parks and open space is underfunded at $111,600.
- Parks and Open Spaces aesthetically represents the character of the town and serves as the first impression for all visitors and residents (think of it as curb appeal to your home).
The City of Orange Township Board of Education Election: November 6, 2018
Currently, there are 9 (nine) BOE members as a Type II district. Of the 9 members, 3 (three) members’ seats are due for election/re-election on November 6, 2018
- Siaka Sherif
- Derrick Henry
- Brenda Daughtry
- Rhoda o. Irodia
- Hamza S. Agwedicham
- Jarteau Israel
*Sherif, Henry, Daughty – are bracketing together as Parents Together for Education
*Term of Board Member = 3 years
Primary Unofficial Municipal Election Results: June 5, 2018 | Results |
Primary Result Totals | |
County Committee Results by Ward | |
North Ward | |
South Ward | |
East Ward | |
West Ward |