Apply for an
Orange Home Improvement Grant
Worth Up to $10,000

Recognizing that supporting homeowners in maintaining their homes is an important part of neighborhood revitalization, the Heart of Orange Home Improvement Program is intended to assist homeowners whose properties are in the neighborhood (see map in the attached flyer) to improve health, safety in their homes, and their homes’ value.

Home Improvement Program – Flyer


  • Only existing homeowners and their family members whose properties are located in the Heart of Orange neighborhood (see map in the attached flyer) are eligible to apply.


  • Windows, doors, roof
  • Porches, Awnings and Gutters
  • Siding / Exterior walls
  • Security and lights
  • This list is not exhaustive, and applications will be reviewed individually and confidentially by a committee.


  • Complete the application form by April 16th 2021, with information about your home.  Applications will be reviewed by a resident sub-committee.

Apply Here:

For additional information please email Brylan Hoover-Hankerson –
Economic Development Coordinator at

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